Nelson Mandela sign language interpreter “a complete fraud” – Truthloader

The sign language interpreter at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service has been accused of being a fake, who merely flapped his arms around during speeches. Here…

In honor of the numerous snow days and freezing cold weather, we are back with a new ASL video of a song from the popular movie “Frozen.” We had a lot of fun…

46 thoughts on “Nelson Mandela sign language interpreter “a complete fraud” – Truthloader

  1. I’m currently learning British Sign Language, and I can say that his signs
    were repetitive and ambigious, and some are similar to that of BSL signs,
    but I can’t read any words. Though I am a learner.

  2. The thought of that guy just flailing his arms about like a retard
    pretending that he can do sign language is fucking hilarious

  3. unfortanetely if you look into sign language it varies greatly even
    proffesional interpreters in the US can have varying signs for vatious

  4. I understood what he was saying, he was signing “TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL”.

    Seriously though, he gave it a shot, tried his best, and that’s all anybody
    can ask of him.

  5. This makes me laugh. Another black butchering a language he doesn’t
    understand and can’t comprehend. What’s the sign for ebonics in sign

  6. Hold up, hold up, hold up. TRUTH time, folks. I suggest you all check
    yourselves. The brother did an excellent job. I know a bit of sign language
    (picked it up from watching others) and I saw nothing out of place. I
    understood it perfectly. If you understand flow you’re gonna get it. If
    not, then why do I care what you think?
    And I think I can safely say that not one of you believes any other
    interpreter would’ve been better qualified. Literal discrimination and
    institutionalized racism. That’s what this is about. Because people wanted
    a white interpreter on that stage. They lose it when they see too many
    African faces on a stage at one time together. And there is not one single
    fig of evidence to prove otherwise. 

  7. Incredible! A couple questions: were you two born deaf? Also, what general
    area do you live in? I’m from California, but I learned ASL in Alabama, and
    I’ve noticed some slight regional differences…

    I’d love to see you girls do a cover of “Heart Attack” or “Neon Lights” by
    Demi Lovato :)

  8. this looks so artistic. im trying to learn this (as an absolute beginner)
    and having hard time picking out each word 

  9. This is amazing. I don’t normally do this but you earned an
    insta-subscribe. I love sign language of all kinds (I often use the
    universal sign for “I love you” at the end of my videos), and I hope to
    learn BSL someday <3

  10. That was awesome, though I prefer Demi Lovato’s version to this one. I’ve
    seen that interpretation as well, but this one was amazing!

  11. I wish I new more of Brazilian Sign Language to do a Cover, but I’m only on
    my first semester, but I promise to start doing it by the end, because dear
    god this was perfecting the already perfect.

  12. Amazing!! I’m not deaf, but I’m trying SO hard to learn sign language! I’m
    just discovering that it’s not as easy as looking something up online and
    stringing words together. There’s a whole syntax and grammar structure I’ve
    got to learn. 😛 You two are BEAUTIFUL girls and I really enjoyed this
    video! (: Keep it up! 😀 

  13. Do both of you have hearing aids? i am just wondering because I saw the
    orange and green in your ears. Also, are either of you guys deaf? just
    wondering. thanks

  14. You guys inspires me with this asl video. I really love it. good job girls
    and keep it up with asl video

  15. This is so awesome! My ASL club at school is using your interpretation for
    a performance at our school! I also love your one direction
    interpretations! Thank you so much! :)

  16. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS!!!! This song is my life and I have been hard of
    hearing all my life and I just related with Sign.

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