The Science of Happiness – An Experiment in Gratitude

The Science of Happiness - An Experiment in Gratitude

What makes you happy? Have you ever wondered why? Join us as we take an experimental approach on what makes people happier. Behind the Scenes of the episode!…
Video Rating: 4 / 5 Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, challenges the idea that we’ll be miserable if we don’t get what we want. Our “psychologica…

43 thoughts on “The Science of Happiness – An Experiment in Gratitude

  1. So science has caught up with what your Grand Parents / Parents always
    knew…saying thank you and meaning it makes you and the recipient happy.

  2. It turns out that psychologists have scientifically proven that one of the
    greatest contributors to your overall level of happiness is connected with
    your ability to express gratitude

  3. I actually came in expecting myself to burst out in laughter, instead I
    started crying from all the feels. haha

  4. Excellent video…”just smile and say ‘thank you’…we can all do that!”
    there are happy hormones that get released from our brains when we feel
    “good,…helping others.” 

  5. How does the mother know that is his son calling? (2:04) He didn´t say
    anything before she picked up and I´m guessing that she doesn´t know that
    phone number

  6. In the bible, it says happiness comes from appreciating what you have. You
    can’t find happiness from getting something. Try it for yourself and right
    down everything your thankful for.

  7. Personally, i was touched when i saw this. I thought of my life. Before I
    viewed this clip, I was sad. Sorrowful. Depressed. But after I viewed it, I
    did it for myself, and believe me, it’s worth it. It is worth it. Spread
    the word, if you can. Not only does gratitude affect you, it affects those
    around you. So try it 🙂 

  8. *The surprising science of* #happiness

    You lost one option and you consider that if you had had the opportunity to
    choose, you could have done a better job. But is the free will going to
    make things easier? Apparently not! In a study done on students that were
    asked to present two photographs, the results were quite intriguing. They
    were asked to take with them only one photograph while the other remained
    at the study. A part of them had the possibility to take this decision in a
    few days, while the others had to do it in a couple of minutes. The results
    were fantastic! Those who had time to think about their decision were
    unhappier than the other category that had to act quickly. This reminds us
    of *Barry Schwarz paradox of* #choice , in which *you are less happy when
    you have a lot of choices to make.*

  9. *When you always happy, don’t feel bad. This video just makes it crystal
    clear for us*

    #happiness #psychology #tedtalks #lifelessons 

  10. And we can use our prefrontal cortex to devise thought experiments
    demonstrating that it would have been better for the prefrontal cortex not
    to have evolved.

  11. wow you are full of shit , i have lost use of my legs and now I feel that
    death would be better ! so just speak for your self ,

  12. This amazing and very enlightning talk by Dan Gilbert actually inspired me
    to astray from my plans a while back and make a somewhat “unsecure” life
    Watch it, and please comment – where you surprised about this research?

  13. freedom, happiness, creativity all that is good in humans comes when you
    free yourself from your conditioning and limited existence. 

  14. Synthetic happiness….what a retarded idea. There is only happiness;
    either they all feel the exact same thing generated in the exact same way
    in the brain or one group is lying.

  15. If our brains synthesise #happiness at our (sub)command, how do we know who
    and what really makes us happy? #cognitive #psychology

    Next time I speak about happiness with my (next ex) date I’ll reply with *”No
    dear its not you, is me. Seriously. Its my brain that makes me happy.”* I
    wonder if she’ll understand the…science!? :)

  16. Complying data on human beings in such a sterile way, with research trying
    to fit a mindset really has no validity. The research appears to be more
    biased towards material happiness. There are people out there who through
    deep personal loss or servere truama lead deeply unhappy lives even though
    on the surface when asked say they are happy, even believing this falsehood
    themselves. In many people the truth will just not out. I agree that people
    can adapt to deeply unhappy experiences but the background pain remains no
    matter how much research attempts to wish it away by study of nuerons and
    chemical pathways. There also appears to be complete lack of the spiritual
    in any of the arguments presented which of course is anaethma to
    ‘objective’ science. 🙂 

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