Secrets To A Happy Marriage ❃Joel Osteen❃

Secrets To A Happy Marriage ❃Joel Osteen❃

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13 thoughts on “Secrets To A Happy Marriage ❃Joel Osteen❃

  1. Though single,the majority of my friends are married. And not only do
    statistics bear out that believers have a divorce rate equal to that of non
    believers, but I have personally witnessed the same causes of strife in
    homes of those who profess Christ as Saviour and Lord .! Our roadmap for
    life called the Bible admonishes us to be “peacemakers” in the home despite
    our spouses irritations. We have weaknesses too ! The word in Matthew 5:9
    says,”blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of
    God.” Listen and take notes and dare I say “apply” what you learn from this
    awesome message of encouragement. 

  2. WE are watching out for you Joe, because you are one of those false
    teachers. Osteen speaks love and light, you speak legalism and negativity.

  3. Osteen does reach the ‘lost’, he is the most listened to preacher in
    America. He preaches the goodness of God, and so reaches all.

  4. I wish people would be what they are and not act like their children. when
    you do they act just like you the adult. Then it is very hard to turn it

  5. That’s what satan wants you to think. Why would they be scare tactics? Its
    real so stop lying to yourself and reading stuff that caters to what you
    want to hear.

  6. Amazing how people trade their temporary life down here for an eternity
    with out Jesus??? why do they do that? because they reject the TRUTH that
    Jesus died for them and they when they die it will be too late,….Sad but
    true, there are no atheists in hell..REMEMBER THAT!!!

  7. Sorry you are wrong again. Jesus is the Light, Jesus is the Way, Jesus is
    the Truth, Jesus is the Life, Jesus is the resurrection, Jesus is the I AM.
    You reject Him, you will surely perish, whether you believe it or not. And
    when you die that’s it, no second chance, God has given you all you need
    here to know about Him and His Son. Repent or you will perish!

  8. And it explains the true God, the Creator, whereas your bible tries to
    divide him up into three beings. There is only one God, as the bible states.

  9. That book is so far ahead of the bible it isn’t even close. It explains the
    structure of the heavens, explains the difference between false gods and
    true gods, and how they differ from the Creator. It even explains how they
    built the great pyramid. The name of the book means sky, earth , and spirit.

  10. Much more real than the Christian bible. To you it is fake, to me the bible
    is fake. To each his own. I have gained so much more knowledge from the
    Oahspe about spiritual things that it cannot be compared to the Christian
    bible. (You must have your own copy giving quotes like that).

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