23 thoughts on “The Lord’s Prayer in Hebrew

  1. Just curious, is this the same Hebrew that was written and spoken in the
    time of Christ? And for that matter what are the differences between Hebrew
    as you know it and Paleo-Hebrew?

  2. Yeshua spoke both Hebrew and Aramaic. Prayers were in Hebrew. Although the
    New Testament text was written in Greek, it was “translated” by the Jewish
    writers with a Hebrew mind set…

  3. It’s a model prayer not something to repeat everyday but the things we
    should pray towards in our daily life.

  4. Shalom Oscarito, Thank you for your comment (-: There is no Bible that I
    know of with transliteration exactly like mine. There are a couple of
    online options like:
    http://biblehub.com/interlinear/transliterated/genesis/1.htm and a software
    you can buy:
    Just do a web search for “transliterated Hebrew Bible”. I hope this
    helps… Blessings, Ayelet BTW, “Ah-yah-la” (Ayala) is another common
    Israeli name… and yes it is a variation of “Ayelet” and means “Doe”,
    while “Ayelet” means the “Doe of the Dawn” (Psalm 22:1)

  5. Thank you for sharing this clear teaching. As I am very new to this, I was
    hoping you could comment on the following video of the Lord’s Prayer sung
    in ancient Aramaic:
    Lord’s Prayer (Aramaic). Thanks kindly!

  6. I Love The Way You Teach. So clear & easy. Do you have any more or plan to
    have more? I wish I could have learned from you.

  7. While this is a lovely prayer and Christians should be given support in
    saying it in Hebrew if they feel closer to G-D in doing so, please know
    that this is not a prayer that Jesus would have known or said himself. It
    was not part of his spiritual upbringing or development, as a Jew with a
    relationship to the One Holy Eternal GD. And just as Jesus did not eat pork
    or unkosher foods, and just as he DID observe Jewish holy days like
    Passover and the Sabbath, and drink kosher wine, Jesus had an array of
    soulful Hebrew prayers which he would have said during his lifetime. The
    book, Matthew, is the source of “The Lord’s Prayer”, not any text or prayer
    from any sect of Jews before, during, or since Jesus’ lifetime. Jewish
    people do not say this prayer. Actual, short, Hebrew prayers or
    inspirationals which he might have said include The Sh’ma and Psalm 23.
    This post is not at all a disparagement of the prayer, so please no angry
    post-replies! One can only benefit from having an awareness of context,
    especially with prayer, we can all agree.

  8. Hi Ayelet,
    I just found you on u-tube and was wondering if possible could you make
    these prayers on a audio tape for purchase. Thank you.

  9. Thank you very much, God bless, and this has been enlightening as well as
    something I wish I had to give as a gift. 

  10. Thank you for sharing the Lord’s prayer in Hebrew. I loved the way you
    taught it in phonetics. I will continue to practice everyday until the
    pronuniciation becomes fluent. God bless you my sister in Christ Jesus.

  11. toda raba -just learning want hebrew as my heart language-also going to
    purchase all the posters,hopeing you also do a youtube for them,GBU :)

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