Gazprom’s pipeline pledge: We don’t want Ukraine economy to collapse

Russia’s biggest gas producer Gazprom said Thursday it doesn’t want a ‘gas crisis’, and hopes Ukraine can pay its outstanding .8 billion debt – READ MORE h…
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24 thoughts on “Gazprom’s pipeline pledge: We don’t want Ukraine economy to collapse

  1. turn the fucker off until they pay their bills, infact no more free stuff
    for the EU, they pay cash in advance or go without, fuckem!!

  2. if ukrainains just allow the self-appointed illegitimate western-installed
    fascist coup in kiev to do whatever the hell they want, then they deserve
    the consequences.

  3. Come on Gasprom, can’t you hurt Ukraine a little, inflict pain just for
    fun. See this way Ukraine will appreciate you better. Maybe overthrow the
    usurpers in Kiev. Come Gasprom, cold showers in Kiev for the next two
    months, sounds like fun to me. :)

  4. They should get free gas for providing the passage of it to the rest of
    europe. no?
    30% discount eh? Instead someone probably got a few million in kickbacks
    for signing the pipe deal. 

  5. Russia don’t want Ukrainian economy to collapse ? Why is that ? Is this
    because Ukrainians are brothers ? 🙂 NOT! This is because Russian economy
    is dependent on Ukrainian people, Ukrainians is the ones that buying
    Russian junk! Ukraine been producing lots of things, Russia been
    influencing Ukrainians from not getting or building new standards, new
    factories and so on . This is why Ukraine stuck in old CCCP, running
    business by old standards, not much has change since the collapse of the
    soviet regime. Ukrainians needs to think twice before buying Russian junk
    ! Ukraine is better off buying Chinese junk, that junk is a little better
    then Russian. Ukraine needs money to rebuild slowly! Ukraine please don’t
    rush in to the EU! Also stay away from Russian junk! By buying Russian junk
    , Ukraine is helping Russian economy to grow, then Russians turned around
    and invade Ukraine … Lesson learned !!! I hope! Ukraine needs to find
    ways to be independent from Russian energy! Ukraine needs to bring
    Investors to find and have their own energy sources like oil, gas, i am
    sure Ukraine have this . Ukraine still have lots of military factories,
    air defense factories, plane factories and lots more. This been way
    outdated , Ukraine needs to cut every one that steals ! Very strict laws
    have to be put in place ! Overall Ukraine have lots to offer ! Agriculture
    is high in Ukraine, Americans buying Ukrainian soil ! Ukrainian soil sold
    here in stores from plants ! Trade soil from oil :)))) God Bless

  6. Russia offered them a 15 billion economic package and cheap gas or a
    trilateral agreement between Russia and EU and these fascist idiots seized
    the entire country by force and chose the hellish IMF and insane USA
    instead. Great job Ukrainians! Now you will suffer the greatest calamity
    that your country will ever face thanks to your ignorance, arrogance, and

  7. Wait until Ukraine joins the EU then it will really be in debt…they will
    pick you clean, the banks will own it all and your great great grand
    children will still be paying for it

  8. Russia should just cut off the EU if they are going to support that Jewish
    Nazis Yatsenyuk. That austerity ghoul wants to asset strip Ukraine for the
    IMF. I hope Ukrainians roast him alive!


  10. Ukraine sounds like every other Western deadbeat nation. Maybe we can teach
    our new BFF how to avoid paying all their bills like we do.

  11. whatever the sanctions make Russia lose, Ukraine and the Eu will more than
    pay back for in higher gas bills…. keep fucking around and the EU can
    just start cutting firewood if they want to keep warm and cook shit…

  12. Hummmm….I wonder if huge gas carrying cargo airships could be used to
    carry gas from Russia to its customers in Europe and elsewhere.
    These would come in handy if for some reason the pipelines were destroyed.

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  13. I have seen several reports in the last few days about planned ‘false flag’
    attacks in Ukraine that will be blamed on Russia and will be used by
    western media to stir up anti-Russian hysteria and provide excuse for
    western powers military involvement.
    There have been interceptions in communications about groups of militants
    planning to attack an air base and make it look like it was Russian special

  14. I can’t wait the moment ukraine realize they will not get EU money . They
    think things will change but in fact west is going to rob the flesh from
    their bones if russia let them…

  15. Well, time for Europe to break out the strategic candle reserves. The
    PIIGS(a member) can run on the latent heat given off by misery. Vast
    untapped potential there.

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